Assalamu alaikum,
I have been searching for 'the last sermon of Prophet' (peace be upon him) but I saw one thing common in every available last sermon of Prophet (peace be upon him) which should not be considered as Prophet's saying since it has no value as a prediction. This last sermon was in Arafa. In the said Hadith it is falsely given as follows:
"Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will be able to lead you astray in big things so beware of following him in small things."
The above Hadith was a prediction of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and as we know that he never speak his own will but he speaks according to the revelation of Allah, the Almighty God. So, what ever he prophesized, without any doubt it must be materialized/ fulfilled otherwise it will be a questioning of his prophethood. According to this Hadith, due to the influence of Satan, people will not do any sin/ crimes which will ultimately lead to astray but they may follow him silly and unworthy things. But in reality, you can see that many people have been arrested for committing major sin even in Arafa. As we know that many people have been murdered in Masjidul Haram (holy mosque) due to the bloody attack of Shiias. It also can be seen that many people are jazzing around by neglecting the importance of righteousness in the Holy Mosque. A Kuwaiti sentenced to prison in connection with terrorist bombings in Mecca was condemned to receive a total of 1,500 lashes over the course of his twenty-year sentence. It shows that Satan has succeeded in leading people in many major sin even in Arafa. If we consider this hadith as the saying of Prophet (peace be upon him), the last sermon of prophet regarding the Satan will be a false prediction, Nahudubillah! I seek refuge to Allah. It never happened or will happen in case of Prophet (peace be upon him) since he was the messenger of Allah Who sent revelations to His Messenger. But the reality is; one of the Shura members of Jamat e Islami Hind, Kerala, one Mr. Sheik Mohammed Karakkunu has misinterpreted this Hadith in 1974 while publishing the last sermon of Prophet (peace be upon him). It was absolutely against the Maududian theology so they spread this venom in the name of Prophet (peace be upon him) all over the world by distorting the Hadith and hence, made a fabricated one for the sake of their leader Abul Ahla Maududi who had interpreted Ebaada as obedience of Allah.
Those who made this fabricated Hadith in the name of Prophet (peace be upon him), definitely will be in the state of so pathetic on doomsday! May Allah forgive us
The same Hadith has reported by Jabir in Sahih Muslim Book: 39, No.6752 as:
I heard Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Verily, the Satan has lost all hopes that the worshippers would ever worship (him) in the peninsula of Arabia, but he (is hopeful) that he would sow the seed of dissension amongst them.
This Hadith says that 'Satan has frustrated in worshiping him in this land but happy in obedience of him in other things like a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters. It means, People may obey him but never worship him. This Hadith is a very good evidence for the difference between Ebaadath and Ethuath/worship and obedience.
According to Jamat e Islami, one who obeys non- Islamic system of Government is a Shirk. They even named such a Government as Taghood. But this hadith is very clear evidence against their plot, and then, they made a false hadith in the name of prophet salallahu wa alaiwasalam and hence, booked a seat in the Hell fire. Let us seek refuge from these people.
Maududi has said that it is an obligatory for Muslim to establish Islamic state by removing un-Islamic state. For this, he has changed even the pure concept of basic terms in Quran like Ebaada, Elaah, Rabb, Deen etc. According to him Deen means State, Sharia means Constitution of the state, Ilaah means ruler of the state, Ibaada means obedience to the ruler. He claims that if a Muslim obeys the ruler of a un- Islamic government it is an Ibaada to that ruler. By doing so, he associating partner to Allah and hence, became Mushriq and Kaffir (From Four Basic Quranic Terms). He also said that prayer, fasting, Zakkah, Hajj etc are training Muslims to establish a state. He formed a new way of life, a politically oriented ideology in the name of Islam.
Neither prophet (peace be upon him) nor people of the best of the nation did not say that Deen is state as Maududi said. Instead of using socialist state, democratic state, Maududi has used Socialist Deen, democratic Deen, Raja deen (autocracy) etc and he added that every deen required its own power to exist, Deen without power is just like someone staying in an imaginary home, Islam cannot exist in a not ruling Islamic state, so it is the duty of every Muslim to establish Islamic state by removing un-Islamic Govt; for more information read Maududi's Qutbaat page 295 to 298.
Jamaat e Islami activist do not openly claim that Maududi was a messenger of Allah after the last and final messenger of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). But Maududi himself claimed that he was the only person who could understand the meaning of Elaah, Rabb, Ebatha, and Deen and it was hidden among the Muslims up to him after the first century. MahadaAllah! (Quran ki Chaar Bunyaadi Istilaahen page No.14, Malayalam edition). There are lot of Islamic scholars were passed away from the first century to Maududi but he dared to say that the actual meaning of these four terms was not known by anybody. Let us seek refuge to Allah, the Almighty God. So, what it means? Muslims those who died during this period of time were not actual Muslims? Because they did not know the actual concept of these four terms according to Maududi. It is the grace of Allah that Maududi had born only 20th century otherwise he would have converted many people to Maududi's Islam i.e. Jamaat'e Islami.
Those who deviated from Islam from the beginning to till date were claimed that they are the real followers of Islam. But like maududi, they also did not say we got something new message from Allah instead they all tried to misinterpret Quran and Sunna in different way by exploiting the then situation. From the Khawarij to the present, this phenomenon is going on. There is a tendency among the people to divide in different groups with their own ideology. Shiia is a best example for this kind and who even later established a state.
It is interested to observe the present scenario of our contemporary Jamaat e Islami Hind, Kerala. According to Jamaat e Islami, a Jamaat e Islami follower cannot give unconditional obedience (Ebatha) to any one other than Allah. If some body do so other than to Allah it considers as Shirk. Due to this great miserable situation of JIH, they used to say that even we give obedience to Prophet Salallahu wa alaiwasalam as conditional obedience. But we Muslims are obliged to obey prophet Salallahu wa alaiwasalam unconditionally in every aspect of life. This is one of the major differences between a Muslim and Jamaat e Islami follower. According to Jamaat e Islami, we majority of Muslims are doing Shirk by giving obedience to prophet Salallahu wa alaiwasalam. Nehudubillah! The most interesting aspect is to note here that this conditional and unconditional obedience is not mentioned by their leader Maududi instead he had mentioned only obedience as Ebaada.
Let us seek refuge with Allah always both from the whispering of Satan and men.
Mammedutty Nilambur
Visit me @
I have been searching for 'the last sermon of Prophet' (peace be upon him) but I saw one thing common in every available last sermon of Prophet (peace be upon him) which should not be considered as Prophet's saying since it has no value as a prediction. This last sermon was in Arafa. In the said Hadith it is falsely given as follows:
"Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will be able to lead you astray in big things so beware of following him in small things."
The above Hadith was a prediction of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and as we know that he never speak his own will but he speaks according to the revelation of Allah, the Almighty God. So, what ever he prophesized, without any doubt it must be materialized/ fulfilled otherwise it will be a questioning of his prophethood. According to this Hadith, due to the influence of Satan, people will not do any sin/ crimes which will ultimately lead to astray but they may follow him silly and unworthy things. But in reality, you can see that many people have been arrested for committing major sin even in Arafa. As we know that many people have been murdered in Masjidul Haram (holy mosque) due to the bloody attack of Shiias. It also can be seen that many people are jazzing around by neglecting the importance of righteousness in the Holy Mosque. A Kuwaiti sentenced to prison in connection with terrorist bombings in Mecca was condemned to receive a total of 1,500 lashes over the course of his twenty-year sentence. It shows that Satan has succeeded in leading people in many major sin even in Arafa. If we consider this hadith as the saying of Prophet (peace be upon him), the last sermon of prophet regarding the Satan will be a false prediction, Nahudubillah! I seek refuge to Allah. It never happened or will happen in case of Prophet (peace be upon him) since he was the messenger of Allah Who sent revelations to His Messenger. But the reality is; one of the Shura members of Jamat e Islami Hind, Kerala, one Mr. Sheik Mohammed Karakkunu has misinterpreted this Hadith in 1974 while publishing the last sermon of Prophet (peace be upon him). It was absolutely against the Maududian theology so they spread this venom in the name of Prophet (peace be upon him) all over the world by distorting the Hadith and hence, made a fabricated one for the sake of their leader Abul Ahla Maududi who had interpreted Ebaada as obedience of Allah.
Those who made this fabricated Hadith in the name of Prophet (peace be upon him), definitely will be in the state of so pathetic on doomsday! May Allah forgive us
The same Hadith has reported by Jabir in Sahih Muslim Book: 39, No.6752 as:
I heard Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: Verily, the Satan has lost all hopes that the worshippers would ever worship (him) in the peninsula of Arabia, but he (is hopeful) that he would sow the seed of dissension amongst them.
This Hadith says that 'Satan has frustrated in worshiping him in this land but happy in obedience of him in other things like a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters. It means, People may obey him but never worship him. This Hadith is a very good evidence for the difference between Ebaadath and Ethuath/worship and obedience.
According to Jamat e Islami, one who obeys non- Islamic system of Government is a Shirk. They even named such a Government as Taghood. But this hadith is very clear evidence against their plot, and then, they made a false hadith in the name of prophet salallahu wa alaiwasalam and hence, booked a seat in the Hell fire. Let us seek refuge from these people.
Maududi has said that it is an obligatory for Muslim to establish Islamic state by removing un-Islamic state. For this, he has changed even the pure concept of basic terms in Quran like Ebaada, Elaah, Rabb, Deen etc. According to him Deen means State, Sharia means Constitution of the state, Ilaah means ruler of the state, Ibaada means obedience to the ruler. He claims that if a Muslim obeys the ruler of a un- Islamic government it is an Ibaada to that ruler. By doing so, he associating partner to Allah and hence, became Mushriq and Kaffir (From Four Basic Quranic Terms). He also said that prayer, fasting, Zakkah, Hajj etc are training Muslims to establish a state. He formed a new way of life, a politically oriented ideology in the name of Islam.
Neither prophet (peace be upon him) nor people of the best of the nation did not say that Deen is state as Maududi said. Instead of using socialist state, democratic state, Maududi has used Socialist Deen, democratic Deen, Raja deen (autocracy) etc and he added that every deen required its own power to exist, Deen without power is just like someone staying in an imaginary home, Islam cannot exist in a not ruling Islamic state, so it is the duty of every Muslim to establish Islamic state by removing un-Islamic Govt; for more information read Maududi's Qutbaat page 295 to 298.
Jamaat e Islami activist do not openly claim that Maududi was a messenger of Allah after the last and final messenger of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). But Maududi himself claimed that he was the only person who could understand the meaning of Elaah, Rabb, Ebatha, and Deen and it was hidden among the Muslims up to him after the first century. MahadaAllah! (Quran ki Chaar Bunyaadi Istilaahen page No.14, Malayalam edition). There are lot of Islamic scholars were passed away from the first century to Maududi but he dared to say that the actual meaning of these four terms was not known by anybody. Let us seek refuge to Allah, the Almighty God. So, what it means? Muslims those who died during this period of time were not actual Muslims? Because they did not know the actual concept of these four terms according to Maududi. It is the grace of Allah that Maududi had born only 20th century otherwise he would have converted many people to Maududi's Islam i.e. Jamaat'e Islami.
Those who deviated from Islam from the beginning to till date were claimed that they are the real followers of Islam. But like maududi, they also did not say we got something new message from Allah instead they all tried to misinterpret Quran and Sunna in different way by exploiting the then situation. From the Khawarij to the present, this phenomenon is going on. There is a tendency among the people to divide in different groups with their own ideology. Shiia is a best example for this kind and who even later established a state.
It is interested to observe the present scenario of our contemporary Jamaat e Islami Hind, Kerala. According to Jamaat e Islami, a Jamaat e Islami follower cannot give unconditional obedience (Ebatha) to any one other than Allah. If some body do so other than to Allah it considers as Shirk. Due to this great miserable situation of JIH, they used to say that even we give obedience to Prophet Salallahu wa alaiwasalam as conditional obedience. But we Muslims are obliged to obey prophet Salallahu wa alaiwasalam unconditionally in every aspect of life. This is one of the major differences between a Muslim and Jamaat e Islami follower. According to Jamaat e Islami, we majority of Muslims are doing Shirk by giving obedience to prophet Salallahu wa alaiwasalam. Nehudubillah! The most interesting aspect is to note here that this conditional and unconditional obedience is not mentioned by their leader Maududi instead he had mentioned only obedience as Ebaada.
Let us seek refuge with Allah always both from the whispering of Satan and men.
Mammedutty Nilambur
Visit me @
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